
Electrical Technology provides students with experiences in electricity and electrical technology. Instruction is based on the current edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC). Topics include: safety, DC/AC fundamentals, residential wiring, commercial wiring, and industrial wiring, DC/AC rotating equipment, and electrical controls and devices. Students may continue their training with an apprenticeship, or a two or four year degree.

All programs at the Etowah County Career Tech Center are business/industry certified by the Alabama State Department of Education or by private certifying agencies. The trade and industry programs have articulation agreements with all community colleges in Alabama, in which program completers may receive free college credit toward a degree for skills they learned in high school. Many program completers receive scholarships to colleges or technical institutes for continued training.


Electrical Technology/Industrial Maintenance Courses

410009 Residential Wiring 430054 Motor Control 430058 Direct Current 430059 Alternating Current 432501 NCCER Electrical Tech I 432502 NCCER Electrical Tech II 432504 Industrial Wiring 432505 Commercial Wiring